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This is the consent survey for voluntary participation in the "Exploring and recording the narratives, motivations and experiences of people engaged in patchwork and/or quilting in the 20th and 21st century" research. 

Your participation is entirely voluntary. If you're happy to take part in the project, then please complete this consent survey. I will keep records of your consent survey completion and these records will be destroyed if you withdraw your consent. Once you’ve completed the consent survey, you can then start to send me an email (or emails) with your patchwork and/or quilting experiences, stories and/or memories.

If you don’t wish to take part then that’s okay and this will not go any further. You do not have to take part in this research and participation is voluntary.

1.1. I confirm that I’ve read and understood the letter outlining the research project “Exploring and recording the narratives, motivations and experiences of people engaged in patchwork and/or quilting in the 20th and 21st century" Required
2.2. I understand that my participation is voluntary and I can stop at any time. Required
3.3. I understand that I can request that my data be erased at any point and for any reason. I understand this request may be difficult to ensure if the data has been suitably anonymised. Required
4.4. I agree that direct quotations from my narratives and the textual information collected as part of the study can be used for the purpose of the research project report, further academic publications and on the research's public website/platform Required
5.5. I agree that textile photos collected as part of the study can be used for the purpose of the research project report, further academic publications and on the research's public website/platform Required
6.6. I understand that photos should be of my own textile creations and should not include other people or other people's work Required
7.7. I understand that any information about other people will be anonymised as they will not have consented to have their information included Required
8.8. I understand that any discussions that take place will be confidential unless the researcher has concerns about my safety or the safety of another in which case this information will be passed on to relevant professionals. Required
9.9. I understand that anonymisation will occur if requested but that some information and textile photos may be difficult to anonymise due to their individual and unique nature
10.10. I understand that I can ask for further information if there’s anything I’m interested in or concerned about. Required
11.11. I understand that my data will be stored securely Required
12.12. I voluntarily agree to take part in the study Required

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